The great poet and author Maya Angelou once said that she learned that people will forget what you said, and people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Because its one thing to show examples of your work and display what it means to you and what you did for someone. Its an entirely other thing to see what you did and how it made your clients feel. So to get a glimpse, click here to take a look
My Favorites
With all of the links and click points, portfolio's and galleries I want to have a space for you all to some of the favorite images from sessions that I've had since I begun. Some of these aren't even the most technically best photographs, as it came from a time when I first got my start. I've come to realize tho that art isn't about perfection. It is about something that moves you. Something that moves your soul into accepting it in and nothing else. Enjoy..